That sameness you point to strikes a chord. The phrase, "The cover up was worse than the crime" popped into my post-menopausal head. In my case, the crime was multifold. Too many to name, really, but don't most women feel that on some level? That by not being absolutely 100% perfectly whatever we think we are supposed to be is a horrible crime? We certainly are punished regularly enough to succumb to the cover up and do all the things to doll ourselves up and dumb ourselves down to the point where if we are interchangeable with our peers it gets us success on TV and blandly tweeted upon.

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I loved this piece. Did not watch the show because I didn’t think I could mentally handle it without getting super triggered 🙄. One thing that popped into my mind that I wanted to share was in response to the tweet about not being able to tell the women on the show apart. 100% understand the anger and what you wrote about your own response and the pervasiveness of that sentiment in our society. And the question in my mind is also why are women (not all obviously) putting so much effort and money into all looking the same? Same face work, same hair, same clothes, etc… it’s like the chicken and the egg. Is it because of what we get from society and the patriarchy? Is that our part in contributing to the system? Is it both? Things I think about…

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I love your writing so much, and the resources you provide are on point. Our book club also read All Fours this summer. I especially enjoyed listening to it narrated by July. My husband then began listening to it on our shared Audible subscription … alas, he says he lost interest 🙃

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Even before reading, I saw the subject line and was like NOPE!!!!

But I have a copy of All Fours next to my bed. Time to get reading. <3 Thanks for sharing this.

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